Torah Columns
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One of the most difficult questions we face when looking at the narrative of the plagues in this week’s parsha, Vaera, in understanding verse 3 in chapter 7. In explaining how the plagues will … more
I n preparation for this week’s parsha column, I did a search for famous quotes about success. I found hundreds of examples of high-sounding praises of success, ranging from Winston … more
With all the discussion of a hostage “deal,” an overarching factor seems to be ignored: Israel is required to provide 600 aid trucks to enter Gaza over the next six weeks. Why? Because of … more
In January 1942, Reinhard Heydrich, at the behest of his boss, Heinrich Himmler, convened a conference in a villa in Wansee, a suburb of Berlin. Some of the top hierarchy of the Nazi party and the SS … more
Why did Moses tell Pharaoh, if not a lie, then less than the full truth? Here is the conversation between him and Pharaoh after the fourth plague,   arov , “swarms of insects”: … more
A s B’nei Yisrael embark on the next stage of their national development with the end of their enslavement in Egypt, unity plays a pivitol role in their success. Having reconnected with … more
When the Israelites leave Egypt, there is much discussion as to how they received the wealth they took with them from Egypt. Was it borrowed, taken — or received as a gift or payment for the … more
We know him as Moshe Rabbenu, Moses our Master, Moses our Teacher, Moses our Master Teacher. But is it his name, given to him by an Egyptian princess, that grants him the role of this … more
Twenty-one-year-old Zvika Greengold had just been accepted into the prestigious Company Commanders course and given two weeks’ leave. He was home on his Kibbutz Lohamei HaGeta’ot near … more
M oses’ second question to G-d at the Burning Bush was, “Who are You?” He asks G-d in the following way: So I will go to the Israelites and say, “Your fathers’ G-d … more
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