Torah Columns
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Moshe Rabbeinu’s accomplishments are legendary, his leadership was extraordinary, and his intellect was nearly unparalleled. Moreover, the level of nevuah he achieved was different in kind and … more
Earlier this week, we commemorated the breaching of the Old City walls of Jerusalem by the Roman Tenth Legion on the 17th day of Tamuz in 70 CE, heralding the beginning of the end of the Jewish … more
Too often, leaders cling to power. They are so intoxicated by the privileges of their position that they become blinded to their own vulnerabilities and even oblivious of their own mortality. … more
Embedded in this week’s parsha, Pinchas, is one of the great principles of leadership. The context is this: Moses, knowing that he was not destined to lead the next generation across the Jordan … more
Our parasha, Balak, contains one of the most famous pasukim in the Torah: “How goodly are your tents, O Ya’akov, your dwelling places, O Yisrael!” In his Commentary on the … more
Imagine there was something you could buy that would dramatically improve every aspect of your life. Everything you wish for — from financial success and physical health to happiness and … more
Years ago, about to exit the doors of LaGuardia Airport after a long flight, I suddenly realized I had forgotten my tefillin on the plane. I rushed back to the gates only to discover I could not get … more
The dictionary defines epiphany as “a sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something; a comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization.” … more
In the battles that round out the end of Parshat Chukat, Moshe and the Israelites defeat Sichon and Og and their respective nations. Before the battle with Og, Moshe is told by G-d not to fear for … more
How important is it for us to comprehend what we do? Where lies the balance between pure faith and our need to understand? This week’s parsha, Chukat, provides the ultimate example of … more
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