James Sinkinson
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M any major American media are in a death spiral. News outlets like CNN, NPR and the Washington Post are losing audiences in droves, hemorrhaging cash and laying off staff. At the same time, the … more
A nybody who’s been to college can understand the allure of a wild party on the quad: Everybody singing together, wearing cool costumes and flipping off the establishment. Unfortunately, … more
The following headline — an unsubstantiated lie — exemplifies how the media mislead millions of readers into believing that the Israel Defense Forces is a brutal, vengeful army that … more
Those who claim to support the Palestinian Arabs in fact do precious little to help them. The plight of the Palestinians globally — such as the denial of civil rights by their own dictators, … more
B less President Biden: For two months he’s been steadfast and vocal in his support of Israel’s right — and need — to destroy the Hamas terrorist group. Yet all around him … more
Israel’s detractors accuse the Jewish state of intentionally killing Palestinian civilians. Moreover, they maintain that because in the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict many more … more
While news of skyrocketing harassment of Jewish college students usually focuses on the antisemitic lies and uncivil behavior of anti-Israel demonstrators, less publicized are the slanders — … more
Despite their noble-sounding title, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs on American campuses exclude — and often attack — Jews, already the single most persecuted minority in the … more
Arabs living in what Jews call the Land of Israel, including Judea and Samaria, call themselves “Palestinians” after “Palestine,” the non-Jewish term for the region. They … more
The New York Times has rarely been good for the Jews or the Jewish state, despite the paper’s nominally Jewish ownership since 1896. At best, the Times’ coverage of Jews and Israel … more
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