52 results total, viewing 1 - 10
With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, I would like to bring to your attention a wonderful and informative work entitled, “Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American … more
Jesus was born in a country called “Palestine,” which is also known as the Holy Land and located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. This piece of information, which … more
When we think of Noach we tend to envision a flood and a world covered with water. However, in the historical sense, the biblical saga of Noach is transcended by a short listing of  … more
After several decades of a successful legal career, David Friedman, from Woodsburgh in the Five Towns, became US ambassador to Israel in 2017 under then-President Donald Trump and orchestrated major … more
What an irony. I always knew that the first commentary on a Sukkot machzor describing the rather sharp medieval reaction to a British-based Simchat Torah service would come from the pen of a former … more
If Herschel Hepler, associate curator of Hebrew manuscripts at Museum of the Bible, hadn’t been searching Google Images in April 2016 … more
The headline echoes our … more
In his buoyant 1983 album track “Neighborhood Bully,” Bob Dylan sang: He’s not supposed to fight back, he’s supposed to … more
Former US Ambassador David Friedman’s new book, “One Jewish State: The Last, Best Hope to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” published on Sept. 3 by Humanix Books, presents … more
Little known and even less hailed, President Benjamin Harrison played a crucial role in the immigration of Eastern European Jewry to this country in the 1890s and into the early decades of the 20th … more
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