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The search for the perfect protester interview ended last weekend with the clash of a cowbell, two years and three conferences later. … more
Georgia legislator Esther Panitch was inspired when Renee Evans, of the World Jewish Congress, bought trees in Israel for Peach State legislators who voted in favor of a bill codifying the … more
In the forest with a breathtaking view of Jerusalem, hundreds gathered at Jewish National Fund-USA and KKL-JNF’s 9/11 Living Memorial. The memorial’s centerpiece is a sculpture of an … more
The Jewish National Fund-USA has announced what it calls its largest project yet.  At its national conference earlier this month, the organization shared plans to establish the World Zionist … more
As Jewish organizations around the world are lamenting rising antisemitism, Jewish National Fund-USA CEO Russell Robinson believes that Jews are not focusing enough on their … more
A fire station in the northern Jewish-Arab city of Ma’alot Tarshiha donated by Penny and Stephen Rosen of Brooklyn Heights has continued to keep Israelis safe as fires raged in Israel’s … more
The High Holidays is a time of deep spiritual reflection and introspection. This year, obviously, demands it even more. As I take stock of the year that was, several unusual occurrences stand out … more
Israel — the Holy Land, Eretz Zion, the Land of Milk and Honey. It’s a frequent topic of conversation around the Shabbat table, in shuls and on college campuses. Its politics may be polarizing at … more
The Jewish Museum Munich is being accused of “libel” against Israel and a Zionist agency for an exhibit that includes harsh criticism of the Jewish state. Critics of the museum object … more
During times of tension and violence between Gaza and Israel, international media tends to focus primarily on the latest destruction and deaths, especially in Gaza, compared to the deep psychological … more
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