Kosher Bookworm
614 results total, viewing 1 - 10
When we think of Noach we tend to envision a flood and a world covered with water. However, in the historical sense, the biblical saga of Noach is transcended by a short listing of  … more
What an irony. I always knew that the first commentary on a Sukkot machzor describing the rather sharp medieval reaction to a British-based Simchat Torah service would come from the pen of a former … more
The headline echoes our … more
Little known and even less hailed, President Benjamin Harrison played a crucial role in the immigration of Eastern European Jewry to this country in the 1890s and into the early decades of the 20th … more
Rabbi Shai Held’s latest book, “Judaism Is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life,” is the culmination of a career spent correcting a great misconception, namely that … more
The upcoming fast of Tisha b’Av gives us an opportunity to re-learn and relive past tragedies of our people in a depth of scholarship that would benefit all. Learning from past error and … more
As the Olympic Games in Paris attract world attention this week, I would like to bring to your attention a unique and historically interesting book on the most infamous Olympic Games of all, the … more
W hile the popular jingle goes, “Summertime and the living is easy,” for the Jewish people, the summertime has proven to a hot time of the year, literally as well as figuratively. … more
J erusalem. Just the sound of the word should set off tremors of deep passion in the heart of every connected Jew. Jerusalem represents the very center of the Jewish faith since time immemorial. … more
No name in journalism is as emblematic of the profession itself as Joseph Pulitzer. This is not on account of talented reportage, scandals uncovered or a gifted personality. Rather, the name earned … more
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