Rabbi Avi Billet
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There’s an old saying, “Seeing is Believing.” But while many idioms have truth, this one is factually inaccurate. I’ve watched many a magic trick, both live and recorded. I … more
This week in Parshat Eikev we read of Moshe telling the people of what’s to come when they cross the Jordan River and enter the land inhabited by populations much larger and stronger than them: … more
A major ill of our times is our inability to accept people for who they are. We often judge people based on exteriors or a one-time encounter. In describing the first of the two commandments … more
A s the Torah depicts the early travels of the Israelites, small details from famous stops are recalled. They crossed the Red Sea toward the desert. They then traveled for three days through the … more
In the battles that round out the end of Parshat Chukat, Moshe and the Israelites defeat Sichon and Og and their respective nations. Before the battle with Og, Moshe is told by G-d not to fear for … more
O ne of the disturbing episodes in Beha’alotcha, this week’s parsha, concerns the people who are complaining about the manna, bemoaning a lack of meat as they remember the fish, fruits … more
I created a program several years ago called ParshaDrama, in which I go to a school and present the weekly Torah portion to different grades through a combination of storytelling and dramatics, … more
Whenever I come across the word “v’nikhrita” (and he/she/they will be cut off from the Jewish people) in the Torah, I marvel over where such a notion stands in the 21st century … more
O ur parasha begins with Moshe Rabbeinu gathering the entire Jewish people before him, at which point we would expect some sort of listing of “the things that Hashem commanded to make.” … more
The Yalkut Shimoni’s opening comment in his Midrashic exposition on Parshas Vayakhel is translated as follows: Vayakhel Moshe, and Moshe gathered: Our Rabbis, the master Aggadists, said … more
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