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Silverstein Hebrew Academy, in partnership with Chabad of Great Neck and Lake Success Chabad, sponsored a community workshop for local parents featuring Columbia University psychologist and mediator … more
In a community as diverse as Great Neck, a community-wide campaign is always heartwarming. Such was the case during a recent fundraiser for a new Great Neck special education school: Meorot at North … more
Silverstein Hebrew Academy students practice with 3D printing, producing their own self-designed rubber band gliders. As part of a STEM-based module, students previously learned how to use Tinkercad, … more
Youngsters at Great Neck’s Silverstein Hebrew Academy touched and studied from a real Torah, under the guidance of Rabbi Zalman Baumgarten. The Hebrew letters came to life as Rabbi Zalman … more
Most graduates of Great Neck’s Silverstein Hebrew Academy will advance to the top yeshiva high schools throughout the tristate area next fall, the school announced. To date, SHA eighth grade … more
In the weeks leading up to Purim, teachers and administrators of Great Neck’s Silverstein Hebrew Academy arranged for students to participate in activities that touched on the history of the … more
The Silverstein Hebrew Academy in Great Neck recently expanded its collection of class pets, welcoming a water frog into Morah Reena’s classroom and a bunny into Morah Tzivi’s classroom. … more
More than 60 parents attended a Silverstein Hebrew workshop for parents with child psychologist, Dr. David Pelcovitz. This was the first of many programs that the Great Neck school has organized … more
To prepare its students for an ever-changing landscape, Great Neck’s Silverstein Hebrew Academy has implemented several forward-thinking initiatives … more