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Turning out for a barbecue is nice; showing up for Israel is essential. The University of Maryland Hillel rightly took pride in hosting a back-to-school barbecue that attracted 1,500 Jewish … more
States that commit genocide do not make distinctions between military personnel and civilian populations. They don’t agree to pauses in their military campaigns to allow the delivery … more
It was the height of the intifada, and we were in the midst of a month’s reserve duty. Deep in the heart of Hebron was an Israeli lookout position, meant to spot trouble on the road below and … more
In this week’s parsha, Ki Seitzei, the last two verses of Chapter 21 describe a clear case. The corpse of a person executed by the court is to be hanged from a tree for a short period of … more
It seems that war is one of the most common of all human activities. Study history of the human race, and you will not find many years that were not blemished by warfare. Read the literature of … more
It is by any standards a strange, almost incomprehensible law. Here it is in the form it appears in Ki Seitzei, this week’s parsha: Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way … more
As Jews the world over celebrate Rosh Hashana on Wednesday evening, Oct. 2, sweet dishes will be served to welcome 5785 with wishes for a sweet year ahead. And for the release of the hostages. And … more
I joined hundreds of Argentinians and delegates from around the world outside the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) in Buenos Aires last month to commemorate the 30th anniversary of … more
Once again, I had the privilege of writing and producing a newsletter for Camp Simcha Special. Now I can share some information about what this camp is … more
We love living in Israel’s north. It is an area of beautiful rolling hills, lush greenery, open areas filled with historical sites, wineries and sweet little towns. The air is dry, the water … more
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