Rabbi Avi Billet
611 results total, viewing 541 - 550
It is time to set the record straight. The undertaking of this column each week is often driven by a desire to find new approaches to oft-repeated ideas in the Torah. By “new” I mean “not the way you’ve been learning it since second grade.” more
Last week’s Torah portion concluded with Moshe telling the people what will happen when they enter the Promised Land. Owing to the terrible deeds of the inhabitants of the land, G-d had decided … more
We are well aware of the ages of Yosef and Yaakov in their journeys through Egypt. Yosef was 17 when he was sold, 30 when he stood before Pharaoh, and 39 when his brothers came to Egypt looking … more
There’s a strange phrase that repeats itself several times in this week’s parsha, Vayikra. “If a person sins … and does one of the commandments of G-d that one is … more
Parsha by Rabbi Avi Billet Issue of September 22, 14 Tishrei 5771 In Vayikra 23:34, Parshat Emor, the Torah tells us that “on the 15th of the seventh month, we will celebrate the festival of … more
In the battles that round out the end of Parshat Chukat, Moshe and the Israelites defeat Sichon and Og, and their respective nations. Before the battle with Og, Moshe is told by G-d not to fear for “I have given him into your hands.” (21:34) more
The Midrash (Vayikra Rabba 11:6) records a strange narrative surrounding the appointment of Aharon and his sons as the Kohanim. more
Shortly after revealing himself to his brothers, Yosef tells them that “It has already been two years of famine throughout the land, but there will be five more years where there will be no … more
According to the Sefer HaChinukh, there are 53 mitzvot in Parshat Mishpatim. Other than in similarly mitzvah-laden parshas (such as Re’eh, Shoftim, Ki Tetze, and possibly Kedoshim) it is hard … more
Whenever I come across the word “v’nikhrita” (and he/she/they will be cut off from the Jewish people) in the Torah, I marvel over where such a notion stands in the 21st century … more
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