Trumpers set ‘freedom’ rally Sunday in Woodmere


A group of people saying they are “pro G-d, pro Trump, pro health and pro cops” are planning what they are calling a “Freedom Rally” on Sunday, Oct. 25 in Woodmere. The time and location were not announced as of early Wednesday.

The event was originally planned to take place in Cedarhurst at 11 am, but that location was cancelled.

Former Boro Park Assemblyman Dov Hikind, Rabbis Yitchak Smith and Michoel Green, and Dr. Pastor Aaron Lewis are listed as the scheduled speakers.

Town of Hempstead Councilman Bruce Blakeman is billed as the event’s emcee.

Dr. Gila Jedwab, who has a dental practice in Cedarhurst, and Woodmere resident Michal Weinstein are among the organizers.