Shalhevet Sabers: The game’s the thing


Midreshet Shalhevet opened with great promise and, although it almost closed after its first year, it burst once again to life and now is a full four-year high school with over 80 students, regents, APs, and a basketball team.

The basketball team was initially called the Sparks and that first year most of the students whether they knew how to play basketball or not were on the team.  But then again the same students had to do everything and were in Torah bowl, college bowl and choir, too. The thing they had and still have is spirit, the unity of a team, a sisterhood of players, impeccable midot, and the sheer joy of playing a game together.

Three of the original team members have stayed on the team and are now seniors, veterans of the sport, and inspirational team players.

With their current coach, the team has strengthened and coalesced. They renamed the team the Sabers, their defense is stronger and their practices more focused and more frequent. They have found a good fit with this coach, Ilona Diamond, who radiates respect, concern, and a sense of purpose towards the team and they reciprocate.

Their final game of the season was last Sunday, and although they played valiantly, they did not win the game. They have come close to winning in other games at times but, as the saying goes, “it’s not whether you win or lose but how you play the game.” They show great kindness and concern not only for each other but for members of the opposing team, apologizing when inadvertently knocking over a member of the opposing team and stopping to help her up. One Saber, after retrieving the ball from an opposing player, said “sorry” on the way up and made a basket. Classic.

One of the original team members and a senior, Deena Warshaw, from Far Rockaway, assessed her feelings after the game. “As a senior it would’ve been nice to take part in a victory, however the team is my family; we work hard together, put forth genuine effort, and I will miss playing with them.” Eliora Habshush, a senior from Brooklyn, said, “I have been a dedicated team player of the Shalhevet basketball team for the past four years. I enjoyed playing every game and being able to play for the fun of it. Being on the team was a great experience and I’m going to miss the Shalhevet basketball family.” The third four-year player, senior Devora Eisenberg, from Woodmere, said, “I’m so proud to have been part of a team that was so united and motivated, who didn’t care just about winning but about having fun. I’ll miss playing with them and very excited for them to make history with their future wins.”

Diamond gave a statement of her thoughts and feelings at the end of the season. “I cannot even begin to express the pride I have towards my girls. Coaching Shalhevet’s basketball team was an incredible experience that I look forward to continuing. Although we may not have won, I feel as if I have succeeded in my job this year. It is very important to me to instill the proper foundation of hard work, dedication, proper sportsmanship, and a sense of Derech Eretz in my players. I not only had the opportunity to see the girls improve their game, but I believe that each of my girls really took those four things to heart, and I couldn’t be happier. I wish the best of luck to all the teams moving forward into the playoffs and I look forward to meeting them again next year on the court.”