On the calendar


May 18

Follow Me: The Yoni

Netanyahu Story

A favorite of audiences at major film festivals, FOLLOW ME: THE YONI NETANYAHU STORY is coming to New York during the week of May 18 through 24 at Lincoln Center and Quad Cinema.

Exclusive discounted tickets are being made available to groups in the region. Screening dates are expected to fill up soon so please contact us immediately if you are interested. Filmmakers available to join your group for a Q&A following the screening.

Elinor Bunin Monroe Film Center

Film Society of Lincoln Center

144 West 65th Street, New York, NY

Two theaters: 142 seats available

Tickets are $13 & $9/sr. citizens

Group sales price: $10/ticket

Quad Cinema

34 W 13th St, New York, NY

145 seats available

Tickets are $11 & $8/sr. citizens

Group sales price (when purchasing 15 or

more): $9/ticket for Monday-Thursday screenings


Juda Engelmayer, 917-733-3561



May 19-20

HAFTR High School

Drama Club presents Oliver

Opening night will be Saturday night, May 19th at 9:45 PM. A second performance is scheduled for Sunday evening May 20th at 7PM. Both performances will be at the HAFTR High School Auditorium, 635 Central Avenue, in Cedarhurst. Music, Lyric and Book by Lionel Bart. Licensed by arrangement with Oliver Productions, Ltd. and Oliver Promotions, Ltd. For more information please contact Jennifer Winkler: jenlanter@aol.com.

May 20

Kulanu Annual

Community Fair

Game booths, prizes and gifts, refreshments, exciting rides for all ages, pony rides, crafts

Cedarhurst Park. 12 p.m. – 5 p.m

For more information please call 516-569-3083 or visit www.kulanukids.org. Email Rachael@kulanukids.org.

May 22

North Shore Hebrew Academy Annual Dinner

57th Annual Dinner honoring Kathy and Arnie Flatow and Sarit and Shlomo Elias at Citi Field, 6 p.m. For more information please contact the business office at 516-487-8687, ext 2.

May 22

Movie screening

HAFTR 8th grade students have been working closely with Holocaust survivors to interview them and document their stories on film.

HAFTR High School Auditorium on 635 Central Avenue, Cedarhurst, NY 11516., 7:30 p.m.

The contact person for this event is Rinat Berko: fberko@hotmail.com.

May 23

Friends of the IDF

Inaugural Community Event

Sephardic Temple, 775 Branch Blvd, Cedarhurst, 7 p.m. For more information, please contact Rebecca Feld at (646) 274-9649 or Rebecca.Feld@fidf.org

May 26

Habura at Cong Bais Tefilah of Woodmere To Celebrate Siyum of Sefer Hachinuch

Every Shabbos morning for more than ten years a determined group of ten to fifteen men have been learning the Sefer Hachinuch following the Hashkama Minyan. The Habura is finally about to reach the 613th mitzvah. Years ago, when the participants of the Minyan started to have a weekly Kiddush, the Morah D’Asra of Congregation Bais Tefilah, Rabbi Shaya Richmond, insisted that they learn a Mitzvah from the Sefer Hachinuch each week before the Kiddush. While the Kiddush was not held weekly, the learning was and the Habura has scheduled the Siyum of the Sefer to take place after the 7:15 AM minyan on May 26th, erev Shavous. Each week a different member of the Habura takes the responsibility to lead the learning, a factor which has made the group somewhat unique. Whatever the background of the leader, whether a novice or an experienced learner, all are given the opportunity. The Habura will start a new cycle, learning Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, the second day of Shavuos. All are invited to come and join in the Siyum and to begin a new cycle of learning.

Congregation Bais Tefilah of Woodmere is located at 409 Edward Avenue.