Letters to the Editor 12-11-09


Issue of December 11, 2009/ 24 Kislev 5770

Meaningful newspaper

To the Editor:

I’d like to congratulate you on the very meaningful issue of December 4th. In the opinion section there were two well-reasoned and enlightening columns: “No longer neutral” by Micah. D. Halpern (Dec. 4, 2009) and “Learning lessons from ‘Kick a Jew Day” by Rafael Medoff.

The letter by Carrie W. Teitcher (“Exonerating Kasztner”) is a gem of equanimity and kudos for publishing it. I agree with your editorial on “Timetable for withdrawal an error”.

Not too long ago you published an article by Ari Lieberman, “Backyard Bullies on Wikipedia” (October 2, 2009), exposing the behind-the-scene manipulations of this website. All credit to Mr. Lieberman for his persistent successful fight for fairness and accuracy in the contents pertaining to Jewish matters. Please continue to keep track of his activity, and let us hear more from, and about, him.

Raymond Bari


Gratitude to the police

To the Editor:

Regarding the burglaries in our neighborhoods, I feel that it must be noted and stressed that the police department and the officers who came to my house on the day of the break-in were, first and foremost, very quick to respond and were extremely courteous and sensitive to the situation.

They were very professional and thorough. I cannot say one single negative word pertaining to the police, the officers and detectives, and I commend them for their continuous follow up investigation, and notification of their progress to me.

An increased  awareness  of  suspicious things or people on our streets must be developed by us, as residents.   You know the saying, "If you see something, say something."  No one regrets being proactive.

Judith Greenberger
