14533 results total, viewing 9761 - 9770
The beginning of our parasha, Vayishlach, depicts Ya’akov Avinu’s return to Eretz Yisrael and the preparations he undertook before encountering his estranged brother, Eisav. What … more
Yes, our headline is indeed the title of a new and important d book on a subject that has haunted the Jewish people through the ages. The author, Bari Weiss, is a writer and opinion editor for … more
Many questions have rightly been asked about the story of Balak and Bilam and the would-be curses that turned into blessings. Was Bilam a true man of G-d, or was he a fraud, a magician, a … more
When Sol Braverman founded the Newark Nut Company in 1929, he had one goal in mind: to support his immigrant Polish-Jewish family. He did that by selling nuts, dried fruit, eggs, cheese, bread, and … more
Every Jewish community has its answer to the ultimate Jewish sausage. From the Portuguese Alheira de Mirandela to Ashkenazi kishke to New York’s kosher hot dog, the origins of the following … more
Conflict over Capitol mob coverage roils Jewish Long Island as Orthodox media navigates a divided audience.     more
Yom Yerushalayim, Jerusalem Day, is observed this year from Sunday evening, May 9, through Monday, May 10. It commemorates reunification of the city, divided by Jordanian occupation in 1948, during … more
By simply taking four swabs of cells from the inside of your mouth, it’s possible to save someone else’s life, because for every 400 swabs there’s a bone marrow … more
SKA in Hewlett was awash in color and Adar joy as a “Women in Tanach” color war erupted last week. Freshmen represented the gevurah of Esther, sophomores invoked Miriam’s emunah, … more
From the start of Genesis, we have been reading one long story extending over many centuries. It began with the creation of man and proceeded with the narrative of the transformation of a small … more
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