12424 results total, viewing 7471 - 7480
Click and bang — the sound of an IMI Uzi gun. Stillness — the feeling of sitting for 12 hours on a hilltop, guarding a Jewish community in Judea and … more
It’s not the end of the world just because an Egyptian athlete refused to shake hands with his Israeli counterpart at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro last week. After all, the Egyptian is the … more
Last week’s Torah portion concluded with Moshe telling the people what will happen when they enter the Promised Land. Owing to the terrible deeds of the inhabitants of the land, G-d had decided … more
The expression, “And you shall love the L-rd, your G-d” appears twice in the Torah, the first instance in Parashat Vaetchanan (Devarim 6:5), and the second in this week Parashat Eikev … more
For the last eight years, my daughter Jordana and I have discussed flying down to Atlanta to catch a few games at “The Ted,” another name for Turner Field baseball stadium, home of … more
Throughout summer, the voices of children of all ages could be heard at the Levi Yitzchak Library on Central Avenue in Cedarhurst which hosted a variety of programs.  The summer may be … more
What motivates some people to do more than just appreciate the blessings they have in their lives and to actually be a vehicle for blessing? This week’s portion, Ekev, contains one of the … more
The far left U.S. Green Party marked a significant milestone in the current campaign cycle when CNN broadcast a town hall debate with its presidential candidate, Jill Stein, and her running mate, … more
As kids get ready to go back to school, hundreds of school-aged youth and parent volunteers will assemble backpacks with school supplies for underprivileged children in the Five Towns communities on … more
While some pro-Israel groups are decrying the Lutheran church’s “scapegoating of Israel” and its apparent movement towards embracing divestment, other Jewish leaders detect hopeful … more
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