14809 results total, viewing 10381 - 10390
Parents and students alike were inspired by Davis Renov Stahler (DRS) Yeshiva High School’s annual Yom Iyun on Jan. 1, as they learned together about the concept of emunah (faith), as well as its practical applications in life. more
The pro-Israel campus groups Hillel International and the Israel on Campus Coalition were denied the right to present a discussion at the Jan. 9-12 Modern Language Association convention in Chicago, an event seen as a possible precursor to an MLA academic boycott of Israel that would mirror recent boycotts by the American Studies Association and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Association. more
The weapons used by Palestinian terrorists against Jews are well known: suicide bombs, like the one that killed my daughter Alisa in 1995; knives, like the ones used to slaughter the Fogel family in Itamar two years ago; rifles, like the one used in the sniper shooting of the infant Shalhevet Pass in Hebron in 2001. Sometimes we forget that there is another terrorist weapon that can be lethal: the rock. Last week, there were two reminders of that tragic fact. more
Sixth Graders in Class 6-103 at HANC’s Samuel & Elizabeth Bass Golding Elementary School, in West Hempstead, have been working on an E2K project called Coloring Maps, by Gali Shimoni. more
It was bring-your-father-to-school- day on Dec. 25 as Midreshet Shalhevet held its annual Lunch n’ Learn. more
While the world’s leaders are still coming to grips with the enrichment aspect of the Obama Administration’s deal to curtail Iran’s nuclear weapons program, no one has noticed that Iran’s warhead and delivery program remains untouched. more
After eight years of a comatose state and after deterioration in his health this past month, Former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon passed away on Shabbat at the age of 85. more
Although Ariel Sharon will be remembered primarily for his achievements on the battlefield and his decisions as an Israeli political leader, an often-overlooked aspect of his legacy was his impact on … more
Under the trying conditions of a pre-Shabbat snow storm, the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway hosted the annual HAFTR Invitational Scott Satran Memorial Tournament last weekend and came out winners in more ways than one. more
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