Shalhevet father-daughter learning


It was bring-your-father-to-school- day on Dec. 25 as Midreshet Shalhevet held its annual Lunch n’ Learn.

The program began with Rabbi Weil, Executive Vice President of the OU, conveying the importance of our dedication to Medinat Yisroel and Am Yisroel. His discussion, “The Anatomy of the World’s First BDS Movement,” captured everyone’s attention. The girls and their fathers then broke off into chavrusa learning to review the Hagaddah sources that Rabbi Weil was referencing.

Rabbi Weil then brought down more sources and further relayed the connection between the methods of slavery used in Mitzrayim, the Holocaust, and the response of the American Jews to BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) which is a global campaign that puts economic and political pressure on Israel.