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Recently, a New York Supreme Court justice ruled that there was sufficient evidence to try homegrown terrorist, Ahmed Ferhani, for conspiring to bomb a Manhattan synagogue. Ahmed was arrested last year together with co-conspirator, Mohamed Mamdouh, on terrorism charges for plotting to attack a synagogue. more
By Michael Orbach Issue of August 27, 2010/ 17 Elul 5770 Chaya Batya Neugroschl has joined Central, the Yeshiva University High School for Girls, as head of school. Neugroschl, whose … more
Dear Friends: This is an open letter which concludes with a notice of cancellation of Sunday’s event at the Great Neck Synagogue. The synagogue, and particularly Rabbi Polakoff, merit a debt from American Jewry for an instinctive understanding of the need to awaken us all to a gathering storm. In the end, the pressure from left-wing Jews, deliberate media ignorance, “shtetl” mentality which informs that a problem goes away if you ignore / do not discuss it; and the resulting enormous cost burden for security and the fear engendered in our school kids’ parents - was simply too great a cost for the synagogue to bear. more
The Jewish Star is interviewing candidates for positions in its editorial, sales, production and distribution departments. Openings exist for work in the Five Towns, Queens and Long Island (based … more
In her role as Five Towns yoetzet halacha, Lisa Septimus is working to dispel some of the myths associated with taharat hamishpadcha (laws of family purity). Discussing “Ten Myths That Stand Between You and the Mikveh,” before an audience of women at Congregation Beth Sholom in Lawrence, Septimus dealt with “common misconceptions … like regarding nidah (menstrual impurity) as disgusting, technical aspects such as how to count the seven clean days properly, and misconceptions of preparation.” more
Just hours before vote-counters determined that opponents of the Iranian nuclear pact would fail to override a presidential veto should the Senate manage to vote against the deal later this month, New Yorkers rallied outside the Midtown Manhattan offices of Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer on Tuesday evening. more
By Mayer Fertig Issue of January 29, 2010/ 14 Shvat 5770 Chazzan and singer Shimon Craimer would like to help get people in the mood to donate money for Haiti relief. So he recorded a song, … more
In this photo, taken on Sept. 15, 2001, a fireman signals for 10 more colleagues to join him on the World Trade Center pile. Last Monday, 23 Elul — the 14th anniversary of 9/11/01 on the Jewish … more
An internal correspondence document written by a senior member of Israel’s rabbinical courts rejects the authority of all rabbis who receive their ordination from a yeshiva … more
Knesset member Rabbi Dov Lipman told his aliyah story to the Young Israel of Woodmere last week, reflecting on his life in the Knesset and in Israel. “I would like to inspire people to make … more
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