Urgent neighborhood warning


The following notice was distributed on Tuesday by shuls in the Five Towns and Far Rockaway.

It has been brought to our attention that there were two very recent incidents in our neighborhood involving our children and strangers. On both occasions children were approached by strangers in the street. In one case the stranger was in a car. Thank G-d everyone is safe.
Nevertheless, this is an opportunity to review safety precautions and to teach your children about them.

Please remind your children to try to walk in groups wherever possible. Children should never converse with strangers and never accept an invitation to enter a stranger’s car.

If approached by a stranger, they should run away and yell for help.

We are told that the police have been notified in these cases but not promptly. When a parent or any community member becomes aware of such an incident THE POLICE SHOULD BE CALLED IMMEDIATELY!

We also believe that we live in a safe neighborhood in which children can walk without fear in our streets.

This note is just a precautionary reminder to review safety procedures with your children.