
SKA girls ‘get the look’ with a twist of modesty


It was all about “Getting the Look” last at the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls in Hewlett.

SKA’s MACs, the Modesty Awareness Committee by Students team, put together an incredible program on fashion, style and modesty with guest speakers from the Jewish fashion world.

Proving that clothing can be in vogue and modest at the same time, the women behind @fashion_isha, @mimumaxi and @terijon demonstrated to juniors and seniors the benefits and power of tzniut in their own lives. 

Social media has made the fashion industry aware that there are large segments of the population that are interested in more modest fashion than that which is usually available.  Postings on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, along with articles in fashion magazines, newspapers and websites, have made it clear that there is a ready audience for more modest clothing.

Sharon Langert of, Mimi Hecht and Mouska Notik of MimuMaxi, and the creative director of Teri Jon shared their backgrounds and fashion histories with the students, explaining at the same time how one can be fashionable and deeply committed to halacha.  

The students then split into workshops, giving them the opportunity to communicate with each speaker in more detail, ask questions and even get fashion tips.

Using an app, the fashion stylists coordinated clothing and accessories in the latest trends while upholding to tzniutdik guidelines. Explaining their philosophy, they helped the girls see that “modesty doesn’t have to be frumpy.”  

SKA is grateful to Mrs. Elizabeth Kurtz for helping arrange for our speakers, SKA media coordinator Ms. Jordana Bienenfeld for producing a striking videos and the marvelous student-edited first edition of MACS  Magazine, “GET THE LOOK,” that was handed out, director of student programs Rabbi Yosef Zakutinsky and his assistant Mrs. Yafa Storch for their aid and support, and director of religiuos guidance Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, who conceived of and organized this amazing event.