Seidemann: Take note, President Obama


From the other side of the bench

By David Seidemann

Issue of June 12, 2009 / 20 Sivan 5769

I want them subpoenaed. All of them. I want to see every single one of Barack Obama’s report cards and yearbooks from first grade through the end of law school. On second thought, save the postage. It doesn’t matter. Because after hearing his “Hate us, we are Americans” speech in Cairo on June 4, and after hearing his “Blame it on the settlements” speech, I don’t need to see the report cards. I’m going to bet he failed every World History course and was voted “most likely to appease” by his classmates.

By linking Israel’s existence only to the Holocaust, he has laid the pretext for the plan of deny the Holocaust, ergo deny Israel. By quoting from the Koran but failing to quote from the Bible that links Jews to the land of Israel thousands of years ago, Obama furthered the oft-cited claim of the Arabs that they are paying the price for Eastern Europe’s treatment of the Jews. By linking the settlements to the lack of a Palestinian homeland, Obama lays the foundation for the Arabs to continue to fail to take responsibility for their failure to reform their ideology; for their utter failure to build a viable peace partner, and for their prolific tendency to reject offers by Israel that would have given them Statehood multiple times over.

The problem with Obama’s vision for the future is that it totally ignores the realities of the past. Read that sentence twice and make it your mantra because if an American President can be so blind, than perhaps we are not illuminating the path sufficiently. Perhaps we are too silent, too complacent, too unwilling to stoke the fires. Am I the only one who sees the connection between the election of a president committed to the “carrot” and the immediate ratcheting up by Iran and North Korea of the nuclear “stick?”

Peace treaties are made between civilized societies that respect and recognize each other’s right to exist. Peace treaties are enforced by countries that each have the ability to police fringe elements within their own borders that might seek to sabotage the agreement. Viewed in that context, the score is Israel: 2, Arabs: 0.

I, on the other hand, received an “A” in History, took copious notes and without a subpoena will gladly send them to Mr. Obama. In a nutshell, Mr. President, G-d gave Israel to the Jews and they conquered it in a series of battles in the days of Joshua. The Jews got tossed out a few times, and Arab nomads eventually settled there with the Jews. No formal Arab country was ever established there and, in more modern times, the British took over. Faced with an inability to tolerate Arab murderers, the British handed “Palestine” over to Israel, the U.N. drew a few lines, the Arabs waged war in defiance of the U.N. partition, Israel won, expanded its borders and here we are.

Those are my notes, Mr. President, and I will gladly share them with you. The way I see it, therefore, is that the Arabs should really be miffed at the British and perhaps at the U.N. (although the U.N. has made it up to the Arabs over the years by their constant demonizing of Israel for having the temerity to exist.) So my vision of the New World order would look like this: the British really owe the Arabs, big time, and a swath of land should be carved out of England for the establishment of the New Arab State. They could call it Palesland or Engstine. Being that the United Kingdom is already a monarchy, the transformation shouldn’t be so dramatic.

In furtherance of reparations to the Arabs displaced by the United Nations partition plan, the U.N. building in New York should be sold. The monies will be set aside as T.A.R.P. (Trans Arab Reparations Program) funds and will be distributed as per further instructions from President Obama. The Trans Arab Reparations Program is not to be confused with the Toxic Assets Recovery Program currently being used to bail out banks and other industries, although they do share the same quantum of legitimacy.

The “plan” would allow any Arab who desires to remain in Israel proper to remain without penalty and each Arab family shall be free to procreate as they wish. Jews however, that is, those living in Israel proper, must remain at their present family size. Only upon the passing of a grandmother or grandfather, will a marriage be allowed to result in the birth of a baby to replace the grandparent that passed. In the event of multiple births, say twins or triplets, see Exodus: chapter 1, verse 22.

In the New World order, Barack Obama retains his title of President of the United States until 2012 to be succeeded by a Republican who received a D in history or by a Democrat who received an A. My vision, Mr. Obama, is based on my notes. On the other hand, your notes are based on your vision, skewed as it might be.

David Seidemann is a partner with the law firm of Seidemann & Mermelstein.  He can be reached at (718) 692-1013 and at ds [at]