kosher bookworm: alan jay gerber

Sacred legacy: Rav Kook on his 80th yahrtzeit


The Third of Elul marked the 80th yahrtzeit of the saintly Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook, zt”l. This week’s tribute — the fourth in a series of four — was written by one of our community’s most distinguished interpreters of our sacred religious tradition, Michal Horowitz. Read her heartfelt tribute carefully for her measured words are meant to go to the heart, for they truly do come from the heart.

Be of the Students of Aharon HaKohen: Rav Kook ,zt”l, A Man of Peace

Mystic, Scholar, Zionist leader, Chief Rabbi, a giant in Torah, and fear of heaven — Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook, zt”l, was all of these. His entire being was devoted to Torah and mitzvot, and, he passionately loved Eretz Yisrael.

But what first comes to my mind upon the mention of his illustrious name, “Rav Kook,” is none of the above. It is, rather, his profound, sincere, deep, and honest love for each and every Jew.

Of this love he penned the following:

“My love for all beings … is great. Far be it from me to let even the slightest spark of emnity or hatred towards others enter my heart. I feel in the very depths of my being a great love for all creatures. … I love Jews to an even higher degree, and many holy degrees higher is my love for G-d fearing Jews, for those who keep the Torah and mitzvot, and all the more so for Torah scholars.... I do not want honor of any man to be degraded. I want everyone to be elevated, respected, exalted and glorified.” (“An Angel Among Men” by Simcha Raz)

It happened one time that a certain individual, who used to hang libelous posters against Rav Kook throughout Jerusalem came to Rav Kook for charity. The man was truly needy, and Rav Kook gladly gave him a donation. Afterwards, he was asked: “How could you do that? He opposes you publicly and hangs defamatory posters against you!” Rav Kook replied: “When it comes to giving charity or doing an act of kindness for a fellow Jew, I am only concerned about helping the person.”

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