Rep. Engel states the case against nuke pact


Rep. Eliot L. Engel, who represents Riverdale, is the leading Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs:

Over the last two years, I’ve supported our negotiating team in the P5+1, seeking to give them time and space to achieve a diplomatic breakthrough and foreclose Iran’s pathways to a nuclear weapon. I’m grateful for the tireless efforts by President Obama, Secretary Kerry, Secretary Moniz, Secretary Lew, and Undersecretary Sherman as well as our P5+1 partners in concluding an agreement with Iran. Unfortunately, I cannot support the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

At the outset, I was troubled that Iran was not asked to stop enriching despite the fact that there were several separate UN Security Council resolutions compelling them to do so. I have raised questions and concerns throughout the negotiating phase and review period. The answers I’ve received simply don’t convince me that this deal will keep a nuclear weapon out of Iran’s hands, and may in fact strengthen Iran’s position as a destabilizing and destructive influence across the Middle East.

First, I don’t believe that this deal gives international inspectors adequate access to undeclared sites. I’m especially troubled by reports about how the Iranian military base at Parchin will be inspected. With these potential roadblocks, IAEA inspectors may be unable to finish their investigation into the potential military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program. While it may not be essential for Iran to provide a full mea culpa of its past activities, the access levels that Iran grants to the IAEA are indeed critical to our understanding of Iran’s progress toward a nuclear weapon. If the IAEA is dissatisfied by December 15th, the JCPOA does not clearly provide for a delay of sanctions relief. 

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