Madraigos takes on drug testing


By The Jewish Star staff

Issue of August 20, 2010/ 10 Elul 5770
Madraigos, an organization that works with at-risk teenagers, will begin drug testing for several local schools.

"We would like to allow the school to do their education and not to be preoccupied with areas that are more challenging, that would distract them from their focus," said Rabbi Dov Silber, who founded Madraigos seven years ago to work with struggling teens.

The organization maintains a drop-in center in Woodmere and holds therapy and counseling groups daily for both boys and girls.

"We assist the schools so these kids can be rehabilitated and become responsible members of the school," said Rabbi Josh Zern, executive director of Madraigos. "Kids won't be cast out, but the problem will be nipped in the bud."

Citing confidentiality, neither man would identify the schools for which Madraigos will conduct testing, or any specifics concerning the test.

However, both stressed that the testing program itself might act as a deterrent for teenagers on the "fence" about drugs.

"If [a student] knows that he may be found out he may think twice about it," explained Rabbi Silber.