Lunch and learn at HAFTR


A new Lunch and Learn Program has started for a group of 4th and 5th grade boys at the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway.

Once a week this group will meet during lunch and they will learn a Daf Hashavua curriculum. This curriculum is taken from the newly designed Daf Yomi for Children in partnership with Bar-Ilan University.

It focuses on basic mishna and gemorrah concepts, and meaningful stories about tanaim and amoraim. It also focuses on higher level thinking and strong Hebrew language skills. It is designed to provide a healthy introduction to learning mishna and gemorrah.

This class is being taught by Rabbi Dovid Kupchik, Middle School Menahel and Senior Rabbi of the Lower School. A similar class is starting for 6th graders which will be taught by Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Siff.