from the heart of jerusalem: Rabbi Binny Freedman

Knowing the answer, yet seeking advice


As these words are being written. Yehuda Glick, a passionate advocate for the right of Jews to pray on the Temple mount in Jerusalem, lies fighting for his life after being shot four times by an Arab terrorist in a horrific assassination attempt in Jerusalem.   

The reason Yehuda, a gentle soul who advocates equally for the right of Muslims to continue worshipping in their El Aksa mosque on the mount, has to be such a vocal advocate for Jewish prayer-rights at Judaism’s holiest site, is because the police and security forces feel that Jewish prayer in such a sensitive spot will result in Arab violence. And despite an Israeli Supreme Court ruling that Jews should indeed be granted such equal rights, the police and Israeli government, taking into account world opinion and Arab sensitivities, feel they have chosen the safer, more prudent path. 

This of course raises many questions, including the danger of surrendering to violence (never a good idea). But additionally, it is worth considering how much we need to take into account the way the nations of the world see us. 

David Ben Gurion, one of the founders of the State of Israel and her first Prime Minister, is famous for having said: “I don’t care what the nations of the world say. I care only what the Jews will do.”

Is there a principal at stake here worth considering? 

This week’s portion, Vayera, offers a fascinating perspective regarding this question.

At the end of last week’s portion, Lech Lecha, Avraham is commanded to circumcise himself at the ripe old age of 99. And in response to his selfless act of faith, no less than G-d Himself visits Avraham.

“Vayera eliav Hashem be’Elonei Mamrei” (“And G-d appeared to him [Avraham] at the Oak trees of Mamrei”) (Bereishit 18:1)

Rashi, noting the question as to why it is important for us to know where Avraham is sitting when G-d comes to him, quotes a fascinating midrash which suggests that Avraham asked Mamrei’s advice as to whether he (Avraham) should indeed fulfill G-d’s commandment to circumcise himself. And since Mamrei advised him to do so, G-d appeared to Avraham in Mamrei’s territory.

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