politics to go: jeff dunetz

It’s only a few million dead Jews

Eugene Robinson shrugs it off as Progressive agenda rules


According to the latest passive/aggressive tome by Washington Post Columnist Eugene Robinson entitled “Netanyahu goes beyond bluster on Iran,” the prime minister’s speech wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be.

He examined some of the Netanyahu’s prose from a progressive standpoint, while ignoring the most important part of Netanyahu’s argument: based on the deal being negotiated, millions of people will be placed in mortal danger.

Robinson starts his piece by insulting Elie Wiesel, describing him as a pawn who was taken advantage of by the evil Netanyahu: “The worst moment of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, at least for me, came when he used Elie Wiesel, a great moral hero, as a Hollywood-style prop. 

“Presidents giving State of the Union addresses have the right to tug at our heartstrings by saluting honored guests in the gallery. Foreign leaders taking advantage of partisan invitations do not.”

Hollywood-style prop? This wasn’t a prop. It was Elie Wiesel who famously said, “Trust the threats of your enemies over the promises of your friends”.

Elie Wiesel is a moral hero because he was able to explain to the world the horrors of the Holocaust and why mankind should never allow anything like that to happen again. Wiesel attended Netanyahu’s speech for the same reason.

Wiesel supported Bibi’s speech because, like the Prime Minister, he is a Jew who knows Iran is trying to embark on a new genocide —first of the Jews in Israel, then all the citizens of the United States — the Great Satan — including its Jews. 

As a true progressive believer, Robinson doesn’t understand why a great moral hero like Wiesel could disagree with the President.

As a non-Jew, Robinson could never understand 2,000 years of the Jewish experience, which taught us we could never totally rely on others for our protection. Because everywhere we’ve gone, even where we’ve lived for hundreds of years, the Jews become expendable.

Wiesel wasn’t a there as prop. He was there to support Bibi’s cause.  

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