Eliezer Project chips in


By Jewish Star Staff

Issue of March 12, 2010/ 26 Adar 5770
Pesach, a joyous holiday, is also notoriously expensive to celebrate. That can be a challenge for families in the best of times, but when a breadwinner is out of work, the difficulty is greatly magnified.

The Eliezer Project, based in Cedarhurst, helps families in financial crisis become self-sufficient again. In the short term, the organization is distributing tens of thousands of dollars to families requiring urgent assistance with holiday expenses.

Dozens are families are already registered to receive assistance from the Eliezer Project but Gideon Bari, the executive director, believes other families that have not come forward could benefit from the Pesach funds or other services the organization provides. These include employment guidance, job placement, fiscal planning, budget management, debt modification, financial counseling and referrals for medical and mental health care, and health insurance.

To seek help or to donate, call 516-284-2942 or go online to eliezerproject.org.