David Seidemann: A two state disaster


From the other side of the bench

By David Seidemann

Issue of May 15, 2009 / 21 Iyar 5769

Why does it take four liberals to change a light bulb?

One to apologize to the light bulb for burning out. One to apologize to the earth for having light bulbs destroy the environment. One to apologize to the people who now have to sit in the dark and one to apologize to the person who has to change the light bulb for not having a government program in place to have the light bulb changed by bureaucrats in Washington.

Apologies and apologies followed by concessions and more apologies.

And now I get it. Now I understand. It all makes sense, this big Obama push for a two state solution in the Middle East. You know, the solution that could lead to an updated version of the “final solution."

Israel doesn’t know how to make peace or concessions for peace. Right? Wrong! Look at Egypt, look at Jordan, look at concessions Israel has made returning territories conquered in defensive wars, wars forced upon her, wars she didn’t want.

Fact check. Is it Israel or the Palestinians that have in their individual charters the planned destruction of the “infidels”? Fact check. What happens to an Israeli who sells his home to a Palestinian? Nothing, except maybe raising a few eyebrows from his neighbors. Arabs can even sit in Israel’s Knesset, let alone own property within the State.

They can vote in Israel’s elections. They can move anywhere, any Israeli could move. What happens if a Palestinian sells his land to an Israeli? He is beheaded. End of story.

Concessions? Name one the Palestinians have made, other than to call themselves Palestinians in place of what they really are, Arabs.

Fact check. More Jews have been expelled from Arab and Muslim countries than the amount of Arabs that fled from what was always Israel. After the Arabs rejected the United Nations partition plan, they attacked Israel and ran to safety to their brother countries who said “sorry, no vacancy." Every biblical, archaeological and historical measuring stick confirms that Jews occupied Israel long before the first Arab donkey chewed a blade of grass there.

Two state solution? Yes, a state of annihilation and a state of disaster, and that’s exactly what will occur if you allow an enemy sworn to your destruction to live next door, a governing state with all the benefits of statehood. But where will the poor Arabs go? Truth be told, they can live in Israel with more democracy, more freedom, more benefits and more educational and economic opportunities than they will ever experience in any Arab land “created” now, as part of a two state solution.

The Hamas- Fatah Arabs have squandered every opportunity to better their lives and build a state for themselves. No one, not Israel and not the U.S. has told the inhabitants of Arab Gaza not to build a functioning society for themselves. But how can they build a society when Israel (for its own security) doesn’t give them the “goods” to build? Someone needs to explain why Israel should give them anything!? Let their Arab brothers hold a telethon or a Chinese auction! They could have built and built but instead their leaders robbed them blind, kept the average Arab (I know, I’m supposed to call them Palestinians) a street peasant, killing Jews and killing their own prospects for advancement.

Why aren’t the affluent Arab countries absorbing their brethren or paying for societal enhancements and advancements? You know the answer. Because it's so much easier to blame Israel. Because if they can get Israel to start self doubting herself, to become apologetic, and guilt ridden, they can have their hummus and eat it too.

But self doubt as a nation leads to self destruction. When a country through its leaders begins to doubt their right to defend themselves and protect their citizens, they are not ingratiating themselves to their enemy. Just the opposite my friend. Those that don’t believe in what you believe in won’t respect your weakness. They’ll exploit it and squash you like a bug.

And now I hope you get it too. Am I a genius? No. A prophet? No. But I did write in one of my prior articles, before the November election, (The Jewish Star is now archived, look it up) that if Obama is elected, “take out your cameras before the inauguration and take a photo of what the USA looks like because you are not going to recognize America after he takes office." And I was right. And if he has his way, Israel won’t look the same either. He flies around the world apologizing for what we believe in and sits silently as demagogues trash our country. Rudy, George H., George W, Ronald Reagan and even a Democrat like LBJ would have risen to our country’s defense and squashed the rhetoric like, you guessed it, a bug.

But not Obama. He still believes that closing Gitmo, and affording more rights to foreign terrorists than to American lawyers and members of the CIA is a sign of strength. Suddenly friend is foe and foe is friend. And that’s what Obama thinks Israel should do, sacrifice its own on a silver platter as a mea culpa to the enemy.

In global conflicts, the weak never win. Better my enemy thinks I’m weak than I think me weak. When my enemy underestimates my strength, I can win. When I doubt my strength, I’m halfway on my way to defeat.

The rhetoric out of Washington these days is frightening. The Prophet Joshua was told (Joshua 1:6-7) to “be strong and courageous” in his conquest of the land of Israel. Strong against those that seek to destroy Israel, courageous against those that seek to have Israel doubt its own resolve. Thank you Mr. President, Israel can change her own light bulbs.

David Seidemann is a partner with the law firm of Seidemann & Mermelstein. He can be reached at (718) 692-1013 and at ds [at] lawofficesm.com.