
Color war caps Shalhevet week


Midreshet Shalhevet prides itself on being dedicated to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael by incorporating classes and programs focusing on the centrality of Eretz Yisrael to us as Torah Jews. Therefore, it came as no surprise when Shalhevet prepared an inspiring dedication to the fallen soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force on Yom Hazikaron.

The siren rang and each student stood in silence, to honor those who perished protecting Israel. Pictures and biographies of soldiers adorned the walls in the hallway so that each students could read about members of the IDF who gave up their lives protecting Israel.

The Committee for Israel Activism club arranged a screening of “Beyond the Helmet,” a documentary that follows the lives of five Israeli soldiers and which gave the students a true understand of what it’s like to be a part of the army, and how much each soldier gives up in order to serve Israel. The footage was moving and uplifting, and gave an authentic feel to each soldier’s situation.

Following the movie, the Shalhevet choir, led by Mrs. Andrea Schulman, performed a beautiful rendition of Hatikva and other songs. The students walked away from the program feeling even more appreciative of the Israeli soldiers who risk their lives each day protecting Israel.

Yom Haatzmaut allowed for the activities to continue, celebrating Israel and all that it has to offer. Subsequent to davening, the students initiated the cheered of Israel’s 67th birthday with a daglanut, a traditional Israeli flag dance.

After the incredible performance, the G.O. broke out color war! The school was divided between the freshmen and seniors, who were on the white team, and the sophomores and juniors on the blue team. The white team represented Yerushalayim, while the blue team represented Chevron.

There was a machanayim tournament, Apache race, See Run Build competition, blindfold puzzle tournament, scavenger hunt, obstacle course, and college bowl trivia, with festivities continuing on Friday with each team presenting an original song, stomp, banner, and everlasting gift.

Although it was color war, both teams displayed a tremendous amount of achdus and spirit. Congratulations to the blue team on their win!