12424 results total, viewing 7761 - 7770
It’s interesting the way some companies react to anti-Semitism. On one hand, they wouldn’t touch someone like David Duke with a ten-foot pole, but when it comes to an anti-Semite and … more
Freshman, sophomores and juniors from the Davis Renov Stahler Yeshiva High School for Boys of the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach participated in the school’s annual trip day in advance of Pesach. … more
Rabbi Captain Travis and the women of Kosher Troops visited with the middle school of the Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway to describe the organization’s chesed. Jewish members … more
Although Judy stayed home for Pesach, she took a few “travel days” off from her column, so we’re reprinting her post-Pesach dispatch from 2012. The last of the Pesach dishes, … more
The prohibition of imbibing blood is one of the well-known mitzvot found in our parasha (Vayikra 17:10-11). In it we find the unusual expression, v’natati panai, which is explained by both … more
G-d instructs Moshe to tell the people about the importance of observing His statutes and laws: “Keep My decrees and laws that a person can do — and live with them. For I am … more
There are a lot of unknowns with Zika, but there’s no reason to be scared. That was the message of a lecture about the mosquito-borne virus at South Nassau Communities Hospital on Monday, … more
Prime Minister Netanyahu said he was “deeply moved” by a musical performance by disabled children at his annual pre-Pesach reception last week. Netanyahu shared a video of the … more
Midreshet Shalhevet will honor two sets of “parents of the year” — Dr. Jeffry and Mrs. Shira Beer, and Mickey and Malkie Hyman — and teacher of the year Jeff Ganeles, at its … more
In the coming weeks we will read the portions of Acharei-Mot-Kedoshim which, translated literally, means “after the death of the holy ones,” a reference that is all too appropriate as we … more
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