Kosher Kitchen
173 results total, viewing 1 - 10
I have often wondered about the history of some of the foods that are commonly associated with Jewish cuisine. One thing I often wondered about when I was a kid was kugel. My grandmother made a … more
As Pesach holiday drew to a close, I wondered why I didn’t get to try out the 23 or 24 new Passover recipes I collected this year. Maybe next year. And once again I found myself thinking … more
Matzah is as old as the Exodus. The flour and water cracker bread has a starring role in the saga, with the Jews leaving Egypt so quickly that they couldn’t let their bread rise. The … more
This is one of my favorite times of year, the time I get to clean out the pantry and start all over again after Passover. It is the time to use up all the half bags of rice and pasta and cans of … more
This year, a raging war, increased antisemitism, and trouble on our college campuses weighs heavily on all our minds. We struggle with so many issues, all the while praying … more
Once upon a time, Achashverosh, the King of Persia, had his wife Vashti killed for failing to attend a banquet. Then he chose a beautiful Jewish woman named Esther to be his new Queen. He also … more
N o one really knows what our ancient ancestors ate in their caves, but scholars who have studied them believe they ate mostly vegetation, and some evidence shows they ate as much as 4 to 6 pounds of … more
The most rushed meal in America has to be the weekday breakfast. Instant drinks, instant oatmeal, cold cereal and toaster pastries are not on any list of the best way to start the day, and we have … more
It is 30 degrees outside, and the wind is howling. It’s amazing how fast winter appears. Sometimes I wonder why I stay in this climate. My nose is always freezing, my lips, … more
It is January, the coldest and longest winter month (remember winter did not start until Dec. 21 and March often heralds the start of spring, so January wins this cold, dark distinction). … more
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