James Sinkinson
30 results total, viewing 11 - 20
You’ve no doubt noticed: The Biden administration is obsessed with the so-called two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Yet Team Biden virtually never goes beyond lip service … more
Americans — especially American Jews — have expressed dismay at the results of last week’s Israeli elections. They seem to believe that Israel has been transformed suddenly from … more
If some radical educators have their way, “Israel” will become a dirty word in California schools. Under the guise of a new law mandating ethnic studies “training” in … more
Support of Israel by all rights should be — and has for decades been — non-partisan. But evidence shows Democrats increasingly are abandoning Israel’s cause, outright opposing … more
In his Israel Apartheid Week address at Duke University a few weeks ago, radical Palestinian poet Mohammed el-Kurd advocated “Palestinian liberation,” telling his cheering … more
An Israel supporter wrote to me recently asking why one of my recent articles focused only on “left-wing” anti-Semites and neglected “right-wing” anti-Semites. The … more
While Jews have been persecuted over the centuries more than perhaps any other people, they can take at least cold comfort in the fact that their enemies almost always rely on outright lies to … more
With liars getting louder and historical ignorance common, our columnists argue it’s time to call out those who would deny the truths of Jewish history. … more
Imagine: The vice president of the United States visits a college campus and fields questions from students. One student stands up and defiantly says, “I don’t understand why our … more
Every concession Israel has made for peace since the Oslo Accords in 1993 has been based on international assurances that such actions would bolster the Jewish state’s … more
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