
Think you may be sick? Stay home


Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt reemphasized this week both the religious and civic imperative to follow coronavius-control guidelines.

“‘Absolutely no one — not the ba’alei simcha, chavrusa, close relatives or friends — should EVER attend any public gathering while experiencing any symptoms,” he said. “Even if you are masked and distanced, do not attend.

“Similarly, if you have been COVID-19 tested and are awaiting the results, do not attend. You MUST stay home under all circumstances till you are proven to be not contagious. This is not infection control 1.1 — this is the most basic level of ehrlichkeit.”

Glatt sent a lengthy email to his Five Towns community before last Shabbos, and spoke electronically to around 2,000 people on motzei Shabbos. His next motzei Shabbos talk is anticipated for the Saturday night before Yom Kippur (time to be announced).