Statement from the Orthodox Union EVP, Rabbi Moshe Hauer, on rioting in Hawara:
How can such a thing happen? How could it come to this, that Jewish young men should ransack and burn homes and cars?
We can understand the profound anguish at the horrific murder of young and dear friends. We can appreciate the frustration with the ongoing attacks on Jews and the lack of a decisive and effective army response. But we cannot understand or accept this.
Attacking a village does not deserve to be called “taking the law into your own hands.” This is not the law; this is undisciplined and random fury.
Actions like these demonstrate the critical need for clear and strong leadership. We need to speak consistently and clearly, pledging security and a decisive response to those who commit acts of terror and violence against Jews, but absolutely condemning and decrying indiscriminate violence committed by Jews against anyone, anywhere.
What happened yesterday must never, ever happen again.