Miriam’s Musings delights reader
To the Editor:
Congratulations to Karen Green. Moreover, double kodus for adding Miriam Bradman Abrahams to your staff. Her opinion column is just what I need now when I reach for “comfort words for the soul” . Miriams sharing insights is a perfect Shabbos dessert I will look for every week. May our readership grow to share and be inspired to care ...
Morah Mira Sennett
Atlantic Beach
Star column distorts President’s message
To the Editor:
While I have grown used to the frequently anti-Obama cast of your editorial pages, the December 30th edition was particularly virulent as well as inaccurate. Juda Engelmayer’s piece, “Obama -- Good for Israel” title notwithstanding, was yet another effort to (falsely) suggest that the Obama Administration’s policy toward Israel is different from (and worse than) that of previous administrations.
George W. Bush, for example, called for a return to the 1949 armistice borders with adjustments in a 2008 speech in Jerusalem itself. Jeff Dunetz, meanwhile, makes easily disproven claims about Richard Foster’s and Secretary Sebelius’ statements on the Affordable Care Act and climate research among others, and states President Obama failed to call on Hamas to recognize Israel in a May 2011 speech when he in fact specifically did so.
Opinion pieces may not be considered journalism, but they should still be based upon fact rather than falsehoods. The Jewish community rightly castigated The New York Times for publishing Mahmoud Abbas’ outrageous lies about Israel in his May 2011 op-ed. Our own newspapers should do better.