kosher bookworm

Gedolei Yisroel consider essence of parshiot


Our Torah learning tradition is based on the teaching of the Torah text with commentary. Without the commentary of our sages, the Torah text, standing alone, would not be understood.

In “Gedolei Yisroel on the Parashah” (Adir Press, 2016), Rabbi Moshe Krieger draws interpretations from some of the most famous rabbinical commentators of all time. In a fluent and effective English, Rabbi Krieger presents the classical commentary on the holy text of every chapter.

In his introduction, Adir Press’ publisher, Rabbi Moshe Kormonick, writes:

“In addition to the vast amount of Divrei Torah in this sefer, the author includes many stories from the Gedolei Yisroel. As such, the title we chose for this sefer couldn’t be a clearer description of its intent. ‘Gedolei Yisroel on the Parashah’ is a sefer of insights, stories, anecdotes, and lessons from the sages of previous, as well as of today’s generations, based on the weekly Torah portion.

“When the Rambam discusses the various different forms of speech, he praises those whose words extol the virtues of the righteous, and details their behavior and acts of righteousness.

“In what he refers to as ‘derech eretz,’ learning about such behavior encourages us to improve our actions, and can thus provide an incredible benefit to our lives.”

Rabbi Kormonick points out that Rabbi Krieger is a “talmid chochum of note, and someone who constantly strives to live up to the ideals outlined in this sefer.”

“Every week, I approach the parashah with a new outlook,” Rabbi Krieger tells us in his own introduction.

“I pray to G-d that He grant me an idea, and each time He directs my attention to concepts or sources that I would never have thought of otherwise.”

I conclude this week’s essay with the following consideration of Rabbi Krieger by his colleague and my dear and honored friend, Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit:

“Everyone can grow when they have the proper role model. As we know, Gedolei Yisroel are the ultimate role models. Thanks to Rabbi Krieger’s research, we can learn the lessons of the parashah from these great men of wisdom.

“However he was not satisfied with just providing us with their holy and profound insights alone; he shares true stories of how they themselves lived these lessons. He has heard all of our questions, from the simple to the very complicated; his responses always reflect a respect and appreciation for the student’s thinking.

To which I’ll add, You will not be disappointed.

A version of this review was originally published in 2017.