
SKA Dads & Daughters


Fathers joined their ninth-grade daughters for a morning at the Stella K. Abraham High School. 

During a breakfast buffet, the pairs posed for portraits, which were given out as a framed memento with a tefillah at the end of the event.

Welcoming remarks were delivered by Rabbi Yosef Zakutinsky, SKA Director of Student Programs.

Elisheva Kaminetsky, the Judaic Studies principal, spoke about the school-home partnership. “We are so happy fathers are able to see how their daughters experience learning at SKA; we are partners with the same mission — to nurture the girls to be the best they can be.”  Bluma Drebin, General Studies principal, recalled the impact her own father had on her learning. Student Sara Blass gave a d’var Torah on women’s empowerment.

Fathers and daughters then learned together b’chavruta from prepared handouts and heard a shiur from Rabbi Daniel Eisenbach, SKA Mashgiach Ruchani.

The second half of the program divided participants into groups for a game of “Jeopardy.”

SKA’s Father-Daughter Breakfast was generously sponsored by Dr. and Mrs. Judd Boczko, Mr. and Mrs. Tuvia Breuer, Mr. and Mrs. Ari Ellenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Graff, Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Konig, Mr. and Mrs. Avi Muchnick, Mr. and Mrs. Heshy Shtern and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Sicklick.