Parshat Pinchas: What was Tzlafchad’s sin


Parshat Pinchas

By Rabbi Avi Billet

Issue of July 2, 2010/ 20 Tammuz, 5770

"Our father died in the desert" (27:3) claim the daughters of Tzlafchad as they build their case to earn his portion in Canaan. Why would they use this as their opening statement when, after all, an entire generation died in the desert?

Chizkuni's quick solution is that Tzlafchad was under twenty at the time of the spies incident and was not supposed to die on account of that decree and thus died from some other sin.

In the same verse, his daughters continue, "He was not among the members of Korach's party who protested against G-d, but he died because of his own sin..." This claim could imply that the Korach rebellion either coincided with or preceded his death. Had he died before Korach, they would have said he "was not part of a previous group who had sinned" - such as the spies.

Furthermore, it would stand to reason that the deed for which he was punished was an objectively innocent one, as opposed to a deliberate and purposeful direct affront to G-d. Were he a real sinner, could his daughters use his sin as leverage to grant them their father's inheritance? Can you imagine Datan's and Aviram's children saying "Our fathers died - but we want their inheritance?"

So what was his sin?

Rashi quotes the Gemara Shabbat 96b-97a and Sifrei 113 which record the opinion of Rabbi Akiva that Tzlafchad was the wood gatherer of Bamidbar 15:33 who was stoned for deliberately violating Shabbat in public. Since his daughters say "Our father died in the desert" and the Torah there says "When the Israelites were in the desert, a man was found gathering wood" the two stories are equated.

Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira is troubled with Rabbi Akiva's attempt to identify the wood-gatherer when the Torah deliberately left him anonymous. How could this crime be pinned on Tzlafchad? He suggests Tzlafchad was one of the Ma'apilim, who tried to invade and conquer the land in the immediate aftermath of the spies, after the generation was told they'd die in the desert.

Many commentaries suggest he had a private sin, one in which he did not cause others to follow his lead.

The Zohar on Parshat Balak (Volume 3, page 205) uses a number of hints and nuances to create a different picture.

Tzlafchad was a leader - a "rav" (not a rabbi) - but he was not eligible to be a prince of his tribe because he was an "am haaretz" - not knowledgeable in Torah. When the Torah tells us "An 'am rav' died" on account of the snake bites in Parshat Chukat, it refers to an individual "am haaretz" who was a "rav" in his Israelite family.

When his daughters said, "Our father died 'bamidbar' - in the desert" the word "bamidbar" could be read to mean "b'dibbur" - on account of his speech, or complaints.

Taking nothing for granted, the Zohar offers a final proof, noting that the cantillation mark on the word "avinu" - our father - is a serpent-shaped zarka, which indicates that 'our father' was the lone person to die from a serpent bite in that incident.

The snakes were sent because those with gripes about manna spoke ill of G-d and Moshe. Objectively speaking, complaining is not necessarily sinning, because many complaints in the Torah do not result in punishment. It is compelling to suggest only one person died, as four verses earlier when the Canaanites took prisoners-of-war, commentaries say they only took one maidservant captive. Furthermore, unlike in other cases of plague where corpses are left behind for the counting (as opposed to when they're swallowed by the ground ala Korach and company), we are given a tally of the dead. With the snakes, we are not given a number - which points to it being a small number such as "one."

After telling Rabbi Akiva it is unfair to pin a sin on Tzalfchad, Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira does so himself, effectively ignoring that part of his own argument. The Torah gives us a number of examples of anonymous individuals who sinned - they remain so because their sin is not worthy to gain them infamy.

But in the case of Tzlafchad, the Torah retroactively pardons him and allows his daughters to inherit his property? Why?

There are times when people deliberately sin and give every indication of their inherent evil. And there are times when people make mistakes: something bugs them, and they take it to an extreme.

Rabbi Akiva takes a person who violates a fundamental tenet of the Torah and gives him a pardon through his daughters. Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira takes one individual out of a group of many, and focuses on him to say he alone deserves to live on in perpetuity, despite the fact that he was part of a group.

The Zohar argues that he acted alone, did not involve others, was not objectively rebelling against G-d, and he was punished on the spot for his mistake. But that does not mean that his name needs to be driven through the mud, forgotten and punished forever. Sometimes death is indeed a "kapparah" (a source of forgiveness for the soul), which allows the family to move on, while still being accepted and generally involved in the community.