DRS Yom Iyun inspires


Parents and students alike were inspired by Davis Renov Stahler (DRS) Yeshiva High School’s annual Yom Iyun on Jan. 1, as they learned together about the concept of emunah (faith), as well as its practical applications in life.

“The purpose of the Yom Iyun is to give the parents and children an opportunity to learn together in a meaningful way,” said Judaic Studies principal Rabbi Elly Storch. “For everybody to learn together about emunah is a great way to receive inspiration,” he added.

The day commenced with Shacharit, followed by a scrumptious breakfast. Rabbi Storch delivered opening remarks, and quoted a medrash in Parshat Va’eira, which says that the Jews were redeemed from Egypt due to their emunah, and will be redeemed in the future, as well, due to their emunah. Students then chose from an array of shiurim (lectures) by DRS rebbeim on topics related to emunah, including proofs for G-d’s existence, why G-d allows good things to happen to bad people, and the balance between hishtadlus (effort) and emunah. The shiurim were interesting, inspirational, and enjoyable for both the student and parent body.

The event’s keynote speaker was Rabbi Moshe Weinberger, the Rabbi of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, and mashpia (spiritual mentor) of Yeshiva University, who spoke on the topic of “Living With Emunah.”

Rabbi Weinberger spoke about believing in oneself and knowing who you are, as students and parents were captivated by his inspirational words.“It was nice to have a program that involves both parents and children,” said sophomore Josh Kantrowitz, who attended the program with his father. “I felt that Rabbi Weinberger’s speech was very interesting and inspiring,” he added.