politics to go: jeff dunetz

DNC confab an anti-Israel hate-fest


Some Democrats did their best to demonstrate where they stood in regards to the Israel/Palestinian conflict at their convention last week in Philadelphia (ironically known as “The City of Brotherly Love”). Many events inside and out of the Wells Fargo Center (where the main part of the convention was held) turned out to be anti-Israel hate-fests.

While they did not represent all the people at the Democratic convention, the lack of demonstrations in support of the Jewish state made the anti-Israel demonstrations stand out even more.

On the main stage, only one of the primetime speakers at the Democratic gala mentioned Israel. That was Hillary Clinton, who mentioned Israel as part of her bragging about the Iran deal. “I’m proud that we put a lid on Iran’s nuclear program without firing a single shot — now we have to enforce it, and keep supporting Israel’s security.”

A second Democratic speaker, Rev. William Barber, didn’t mention Israel but claimed from the podium that Jesus was a Palestinian.

In comparison, Israel was a much bigger topic at the Republican Convention in Cleveland (which I attended). Nine prime time speakers mentioned Israel, including Donald Trump. All of the comments spoke of the Jewish state in relation to changing Obama’s anti-Israel policies.

(The number of Israel mentions for each convention was counted from the transcripts of each speech, issued to the press by the host party.)

Much of the media commented on the number of American Flags at the DNC on the final night of the convention, which was true. Few mentioned the lack of American Flags on the early nights. The Daily Caller’s Alex Pfeiffer reported, “It doesn’t look like there are any American flags. The stage is bland and grey, with no red, white or blue present. A thorough look at the crowd present also turns up no American flags.”

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